About Us

About Us – Dubai job hiring

What is Job Advisor?

Hire Talent Fast & Quick

A Free Dubai job hiring search engine enabling Companies to recruit talent easier, faster and more efficiently.

Individual Talent, available to work, can sign up for FREE to showcase their strengths, skills and personality via a personal resume and one-minute video.

Where something special happens every day.

Finally, an opportunity to personally introduce yourself, present skills that matter to you and highlight key resume points as a talent in Dubai.

As a company you get immediate first impressions that will assist you with hiring in Dubai, recruitment selection and organize interviews.


Our easy 5-step sign up process makes sure your own resume is being created in a format that matches with the video that you upload. Companies can easily view your skills, values, and other important criteria in your one-minute personal video.

Reduce recruitment time and avoid unsuitable candidates. Join Job Advisor to search talent via our video profiles search engine and find your perfect match today. It is completely free, and our team looks forward to partnering with your company.

At Job Advisor we believe a video says more than a paper resume. As a company you know what you are looking for in a new hire and as a person you know what you would highlight if you got the opportunity to present. Therefore, this platform is a perfect match for both Companies & Talent. We want to get as many people hired after this pandemic as possible and offer a new future.

By setting expectations and being accurate in your profile description, companies will immediately see who’s profile they are viewing and can judge quickly if you are their next candidate. Therefore, they save time, money and find that perfect match at Job Advisor.

Job Advisor is a global company with a presence in over 5 countries. All platforms will be joined soon to be able to give you a true worldwide Job Advisor platform for companies and talent.